Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday Morning Retreat Recap! - Ryan Cornelius

Good Morning All!

Ryan here!  Wow!  What a great weekend.  I wish I had been able to get here on Friday.  I just don't feel like I was able to get in on all the laughing and jokes from this weekend since I missed a whole day.  And from all the fun I had on Saturday, I can tell I probably missed some good stuff.

As I sit here Sunday morning, I am truly grateful for all of you coming and supporting us.  Amy works so hard to specialize our events, and give each of you individual service, and I want to make sure you all know how much we appreciate you coming to spend your weekends with us.  We are both so happy to hear the feedback from you about how much fun you had.  And that really is all it is about.

For those of you coming next weekend, get ready to have some fun!  It will be our 8th crop and we have - I feel - started to hit our stride.  We have worked out all the kinks and hiccups all new adventures face to provide you a great stress free weekend of cropping, laughing, and more food than you could possibly eat.

This weekend we introduced Crop Circles College.  A new feature at select events where we will have instructors come and teach classes!  We are very excited about this new adventure and hope you all get a chance to take some wonderful classes when you come spend the weekend with us.

On the electronic front, we have been listening and changed a couple things on our website to make it easier to find things.  We have also merged our newsletter, blog and email service into one place to make it easier to communicate with you all.   If you have registered for an account on our website to purchase products, then you are automatically registered for our newsletter and blog updates.  Click the link below and see the changes.

Please continue to talk about us with your "Circle of Friends" and have them come join us.  Have them visit and register for our newsletter.   And let's not forget the all important Facebook "like."

Please feel free to leave a comment below.

Thank you all again for your support and we hope to see you at one of our events real soon!



  1. Let me be the first to say how much I love your retreats. Love the atmosphere, clean with lots of space to crop, nice people and good food and snacks. We have been to many different overnight retreats, but yours by far, is the best.

    1. Rene! We love you too! Thank you so much for being the very first person EVER to comment on our new Crop Circles Chronicle BLOG! We love your support and encouragement more than you will ever know!


  2. This was my first weekend retreat. It was amazingly productive and fun. It's nice to go and have everything taken care of for you so you can enjoy and have fun! fun! fun! It was the perfect way to relax and unwind after a busy, stressful week. I left feeling energized and refreshed...and just happy! Angela

    1. Angela! Thank you so much for leaving a comment for us! We are both very happy you got so much done and left feeling so great. I know we get the most sense of accomplishment and pride from reading or hearing that everyone had a great time and they were able to relax and have a load of fun. It makes me smile to know we accomplished our main objective - happy scrappers! We can't wait until you get a chance to sign up and come again! Take care.

